#ppcchat Twitter discussion that runs on Tuesdays at 5pm GMT - Led by Julie F Bacchini (@NeptuneMoon)

Q1 Are you responsible for both acquisition and retention PPC campaigns? What is the rough split between the two, percentage wise?

Q2 Are clients more interested in acquisition or retention on your current accounts/in your experience?

Q3 What is the biggest issue you encounter when running acquisition campaigns? Does it differ by platform?

Q4 What is the biggest issue you encounter when running retention campaigns? Does it differ by platform?

You can answer this about challenges to even running retention campaigns too.

Q5 What is your favorite strategy or tactic for acquisition goaled campaigns?

Q6 What is your favorite strategy or tactic for retention goaled campaigns?

Q7 Do you find particular platforms are better suited to acquisition and/or retention? Why?

Q8 What is the biggest client misconception about acquisition campaigns?

Q9 What is the biggest client misconception about retention campaigns?

Q10 Is there anything the platforms could do to make acquisition and/or retention efforts easier?


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