#ppcchat Twitter discussion that runs on Tuesdays at 5pm GMT -
Led by Kirk Williams (@PPCKirk)
Q1 What are things in your Shopping campaigns you can (should) be doing right now to prepare for the upcoming holidays?
Q2 Are there any ways your Shopping campaigns will be different this holiday season than in previous holiday seasons? What? Why?
Q3 How do you determine additional budget for the holiday season for planning purposes (specific number examples encouraged!)?
No wrong answers here, we always need new planning ideas.
Q4 2-Part Question: How have you seen Amazon in your Shopping Campaign Auction Insights Lately, and how do you expect them to act during the holiday season?
Q5 How are you thinking about smart bidding solutions in Shopping Ads for the holiday season? Do you already have planned adjustments you will be making?
Q6 Will creative play a role in your Shopping campaigns over the 2019 holidays? If so, how?
Q7Are you running Smart Shopping Campaigns (SSC) over the holidays this year in any accounts? What steps are you taking to prepare them/think about them during the flux of the season? TALK ABOUT SSC :)
Accronyms used:
ROAS - Return on Ad Spend
CVR/CR - Conversion rate
DTC/D2C - Direct to Consumer
SSC- Smart Shopping Campaign
ML- Machine learning
SIS - Search Impression Share
BF- Black Friday
CM- Cyber Monday
SERP - Search Engine Result Page