#ppcchat Twitter discussion that runs on Tuesdays at 5pm GMT -

Led by AJ Wilcox (@wilcoxaj)

Q1 When do you use #LinkedInAds and why?

Q2 @LinkedInMktg is going on a tear with product releases. What's your favorite new #LinkedInAds feature?

Q3 Of the 23 ways to target on #LinkedInAds, what's the one targeting facet you couldn't live without?

Q4 If you could wave a magic wand and #LinkedInAds could do anything, what would it be? And why?

Q5 What have you noticed changing in your #LinkedInAds performance over the last quarter or year? Positive or negative.

Q6 How has your #LinkedInAds approach changed in the last quarter or year?

Q7 What has surprised you most on #LinkedInAds? Take this any direction you want.

Q8 Where do you see #LinkedInAds going over the next several years and how do you plan on using it?

Q9 Bonus! Did you guys see the announcement this am about Company Pages? Admins will now be able to push messages to employees, which should help get sharing/engagement up for Company Pages!

AJ's LinkedIn Course:



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