#ppcchat Twitter discussion that runs on Tuesdays at 5pm GMT - Led by Nils Rooijmans (@ThatSearchGuyNL)
Q1 Are you using Google Ads/Bing scripts in your accounts? Why or why not?
Q2 What is your favourite script and why do you like it? Or, if you don't have any running yet: what would you loooove to have a script do for you?
Q3 When thinking about scripts, what benefits are most important to you (please rank with percentages, try to get to 100%)
A> reduce manual labour
B> increase account performance
C> prevent mistakes
D> other, namely …
Q4 How do you discover new scripts?
Q5 What has been your biggest WIN using scripts? Or, what are you hoping to get out of it?
Q6 What is your biggest FRUSTRATION with scripts?
Q7 Before you started using scripts, what was the main thing keeping you from it? Or, what is keeping you from using scripts right now?
Q8 If you are already using scripts, what advice would you give others with zero scripting experience to get started?