#PPCCHAT Twitter discussion that runs on Tuesdays at 5pm GMT - Led by Julie F Bacchini (@NeptuneMoon)

Q1  How important is geographic targeting in the accounts you work on? Why is it at that level of importance? (I am assuming it matters to some degree to all advertisers, but not equally importantly).

Q2 In Google Ads what historically has been your preferred geo targeting setting? Why?

Q3 Do you expect the change in the way you can target geography in Google Ads to impact you or your clients? If so, how?

Q4 Do you use similar geo targeting on other platforms? Why or why not? Which are similar or different?

Q5 Do you have any practices you employ to try to keep geo targeting limited to where you actually want it (on any platform)?

Q6 Do you regularly monitor location data for your campaigns (on any platform)?

Q7 Do you find that you are geo located correctly by search engines, web sites or social platforms? If not, does that concern you as an advertiser?

Q8 Is geo targeting something you would trust machine learning to figure out for you? Why or why not? Does your answer vary by platform?

Q9 If you could magically change one thing about how you’re currently able to geo target campaigns on any platform, what would you do?



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