#PPCCHAT Twitter discussion that runs on Tuesdays at 5pm GMT - Led by Julie F Bacchini (@NeptuneMoon)

Q1 AI & ML have not come up a ton in client conversations for me. Exceptions if they get calls from Google Ads pushing them on it and Smart whatever.

Q2 How much of a role does automation play in your PPC management?

Q3 Do automations save you time or do they take up more time in testing, monitoring, explaining?

Q4 What automations work well for you? Any must-haves that everyone should implement?

Q5 What automations don't work well for you? Have you found tricks to make them work or did you give up?

Q6 What technologies or tools have you tried for automation? BQML, AutoML, Scripts, API, ...?

Q7 ??

Q8 What is the one automation you would die to have access to?

Q9 Is there any PPC task you feel you will never trust to automation?

