#PPCCHAT Twitter discussion that runs on Tuesdays at 5pm GMT - Led by Julie F Bacchini (@NeptuneMoon)
Q1 Do you attend search conferences, at all and/or regularly? Why or why not?
Q2 Which conferences have you attended and would you attend again?
Q3 Are there any conferences or events that you have always wanted to attend, but have not? Why not?
Q4 What makes for a great search conference experience for you?
Q5 What makes for a great presentation by a speaker for you?
Q6 What makes for a bad experience for you at a conference or event? Would that experience keep you from attending again?
Q7 It feels like there are a million conferences these days, but even so, are there aspects of PPC that you wish were covered more at events?
Q8 What topics are you sick of hearing about?
Q9 If you were designing you own search conference event, what would your priorities be for the event?
Q10 If there is anything you would want conference/event organizers to know that you have not already shared, go for it now!