#ppcchat Twitter discussion that runs on Tuesdays at 5pm GMT - Led by Julie F Bacchini (@NeptuneMoon)
Q1 Do you use tools to help with any aspect of your PPC work? If so, which do you use regularly?
Q2 What is the one PPC tool that you absolutely could not live without and why?
Q3 Is there a tool you’ve heard about but not had the chance to use that you’d really like to? What is keeping you from trying it?
Q4 Is there a tool that you did try but either didn’t like it, couldn’t understand it or just generally had a hard time with? Why?
Q5 For existing tools, are there any features or functions you wish they had (tag the tools!) and why?
Q6 What is missing in the world of tools for PPC pros? What is on your wish list for a tool?
Q7 Is there anything in particular that makes you more or less likely to try a new tool?