#ppcchat Twitter discussion that runs on Tuesdays at 5pm GMT -

Led by Julie F Bacchini (@NeptuneMoon)

Q1 Is privacy something that you or your clients think about when it comes to digital advertising? If so, why or if not, why not?

Q2 Are there any particular methods or practices that you will not use due to privacy concerns (as an advertiser or on behalf of a client advertiser)?

Q3 Which platform(s) do you think handle the precarious balance of user privacy and advertiser desire for targeting data the best?

Q4 Which platform(s) do you think handle the precarious balance of user privacy and advertiser desire for targeting data the worst?

Q5 What is your biggest concern regarding privacy and advertising?

Q6 Do you think ad blocking technology should be of concern to digital advertisers? And, do you use it personally?

Q7 If regulation will be coming to the digital space regarding people’s data, what do you think is the most important aspect to address?

Q8 Are your views on privacy and advertising different as an individual and as a digital marketer? If so, where do they diverge?




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