#ppcchat Twitter discussion that runs on Tuesdays at 5pm GMT - Led by Julie Bacchini (@NeptuneMoon)

Q1 Are you currently running Performance Max campaigns in Google Ads?   If so, for how long and for what industry or product?

Q2 How would you characterize your experience with Performance Max for the accounts you manage thus far?

Q3 Have you tried Performance Max for e-commerce and/or lead generation?   Did you find it performed differently between e-comm and lead gen? If so, how?

Q4 What is your biggest challenge when either setting up or managing Performance Max campaigns?

Q5 How long do you wait to judge the performance of your Performance Max campaigns? If they are not performing well, what actions do you take to try to improve performance?

Q6 What questions do you have for @MenachemAni about Performance Max?

Q6.1 Any thoughts on how/if it's worth trying to get P-Max to work for a heavily regulated industry with strict compliance guidelines?

Q6.2 What’s your opinion on negativizing brand keywords from PMax? Is there a case in which you wouldn’t recommend it?

Q6.3 Scaling is a big issue for PMax. I saw a great post from @PPCKirk earlier today (the “ghostbusters” one) which is sort of what we do with high/mid/low converting structures. Any ideas on scaling, especially for mid-size to larger accounts ($100k-250k/mo or more?)

Thank you for listening!

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