#ppcchat Twitter discussion that runs on Tuesdays at 5pm GMT - Led by Julie Bacchini (@NeptuneMoon)

Q1 Is Google Analytics 4 (GA4) running on the site(s) that you work with? If not, why not?  And was it difficult to get it deployed and collect the data?

Q2 Are you working in GA4 for your analytics needs and reporting?   If so, how is it going?  If not, why not?

Q3 Have you found a third-party tool or service that helps you use GA4 more effectively?

Q4 Are you looking at alternative analytics tools?   If so, which ones have you checked out? Thoughts?

Q5 What is on your GA4 wishlist before it is the only Google Analytics running (the date for this is currently July 2023).

Q6 Have you found any resources that have helped you in your quest to actually use GA4?

Thank you for listening!

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