#ppcchat Twitter discussion that runs on Tuesdays at 5pm GMT - Led by Julie F Bacchini (@NeptuneMoon) 

Q1 There are so many things that happen that we don’t control, like platform changes or major world or industry events - how do you cope with these when they happen?
Q2 Is there anything proactive or preventative you do to help your mental health when it comes to this industry?
Q3 To use a term I am sure we are all sick of at this point - in this year of “unprecedented times” have you had to develop new ways to stay sane or grounded or functional in your work or personal life?
Q4 If you’re feeling overwhelmed, for PPC, world events or personal reasons, where do you turn for help?
Q5 What stresses you out the most from a PPC perspective right now? How are you coping with or managing that stress?
Q6 How do you find bright spots when things are not going well? What helps you keep moving forward when you really don’t feel like it? Where do you find motivation when it seems elusive?
Q7  Are there any habits you have or have adopted that help your mental health and wellbeing that you’d like to share that you haven’t already?
Q8 What can we, as a community, do to provide support for PPC pros’ mental health and well being?