#ppcchat Twitter discussion that runs on Tuesdays at 5pm GMT - Led by Julie F Bacchini (@NeptuneMoon) 
Q1 How are you feeling, generally, about the prospects for PPC in 2021?
Q2 What are you most excited about in PPC for 2021?
Q3 What are you most concerned about in PPC for 2021?
Q4 Do you have any new projects or initiatives planned for 2021? If so, what are they?
Q5 Have you vowed to stop doing any particular PPC things in 2021? And if so, why?
Q6 What are you really hoping to be able to get a client to say yes to in 2021?
Q7  Which do you think will have a bigger impact on your PPC efforts in 2021 - Google’s continued transparency blocking (search queries) or the Facebook/Apple feud regarding trackable advertising data? Or neither? Something else?