It's common knowledge that you want to graduate your broad matches to exact matches, but sometimes, it seems like Amazon favors broad matches. Could there be a PPC conspiracy right under our noses? Get out your tin foil hats, because we're getting to the bottom of this.  

Elizabeth Greene from Junglr is our guest co-host as we talk about what to do when Amazon favors your broad match over your exact match.  

We'll see you in The Badger Den!  


1:05 Intro 

4:55 The Exact Match Conspiracy Theory 

6:17 Elizabeth’s Broad Match Story 

14:25 Does Amazon Favor Broad Match? 

15:44 What to do When Exact Match Doesn’t Land  

24:45 Bid Optimization 

30:06 The Art of PPC 

31:42 Using Negatives 

33:15 Explaining to Clients 

40:23 Closing Thoughts   

Links & Resources 

All our episodes and show notes are available at


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Have a question or suggestion for the show? Leave a Voicemail: or 833-BADGERZ  

Host and Executive Producer: Michael Erickson Facchin 

Senior Producer: Nancy Lili Gonzalez 

Video and Audio Editor: Pedro Moreno ([email protected]

Graphic Designer: Emma Walker 

Content Writer: Vincent Gulliver