Spencer Brown from /n software on PowerShell Inside!


This segment brought to you by Start-Automating

Start Scripting to Your Fullest Potential.  At Start-Automating, we can help you unleash the full Power of PowerShell V2.  You can use our deep PowerShell expertise to build rich PowerShell solutions, or we can train you to use PowerShell like a pro. Isn’t it time you Save-Time, Save-Money, and Start-Automating?  Find out more at Start-Automating.com.

Congratulations to our three new PowerShell MVPs. Total worldwide is now 50 people!

Chad Miller (mvp profile)
Rolf Masuch
Yuriy Lebedev

PoshBoard beta IV now available for download
ShowUI 1.1 is out already
Central Ohio PowerShell Users Group welcomes Ed Wilson on July 21st!
What’s new and changed in SharePoint 2010 SP1 PowerShell


This segment is brought to you by PowerGUI Pro with MobileShell, Version Control, and Easy Remote Script Execution.

At Quest we are passionate about Windows PowerShell. PowerGUI Pro enables organizations to harness the power of PowerShell without the expense of training and custom scripts and applications. PowerGUI Pro solves issues regardless of the time and place by using MobileShell to remotely manage your infrastructure. Ensure scripting best practices by leveraging integration with popular Version Control systems. Automate against thousands of computers using Easy Remote Script Execution. Get PowerGUI Pro at quest.com/powerguipro



Buzz from the Chatroom:

Alexandair: ## what are the advantages of using PowerShell Server compared to PowerShell v2 remoting?


Superhero Matt from Heroes


Great list of free PowerShell eBooks
Doug Finke has an article on MSDN mag titled, Secrets to Building a WPF Application in Windows PowerShell
James Brundage just shipped ScriptCop
Glenn Sizemore shows off his PowerPack for NetApp
The recent PowerCLI reference book has a ton of great scripts on the official Sybex page
Fun with get-random
Trevor Sullivan has a huge article on extending SCCM’s hardware inventory
Translate foreign languages with PowerShell


Stop a service on a remote computer
Quickly work with “today’s files”

Hal’s one-liner: dir | ? { $_.lastwritetime -ge (get-date).date }
Barry’s rebuttal on Twitter, titled Get-Dirty

Joel Bennett’s WASP project is still a classic tool