Nate is one of Hong Kong’s leading Personal Trainers, having coached 1000’s of clients over his 20 years of personal training.  He specializes in the CHEK protocol (Corrective Holistic Exercise Kinesiology) providing a holistic approach to coaching clients to achieve a transformation in body and mind,  His training is more than just traditional fitness.  

If you have aches, pain or stubborn weight that won’t go away and you have a few days in Hong Kong to apply an holistic approach to your training then consider a journey of self health discovery.

Nate is originally from New Zealand, he has been a Personal Trainer since 1998 across 4 countries - New Zealand, Australia, China, and Hong Kong for the past 17 year and is a CHEK Level 1 Practitioner, Health and Lifestyle Coach Level 2.  He also hosts Fitness Retreats in Thailand every 6 months.

Nate is also a public speaker on Holistic Health and Fitness to companies such as Morgan Stanley, Bank of Nomura, Lane Crawford. He has also featured on Hong Kong Television - TVB Pearl, speaks on his weekly Health Show on the 1-2-3 Show with Noreen - RTHK3, a guest writer and featured in the South China Morning Post, Expat Living, Southside Magazine among others.

Facebook: Eliteptstudio

IG: Eliteptstudio
