Welcome to Episode #2, where we’re going to dig into the topic of personal power and explore it from a few different angles, including a bit of a dissection of the idea of "grit".

In the first portion of this show Jeff deconstructs a TED talk by Angela Duckworth that has over 18 000 000 views. Jeff uses examples of how utilizing the argument that “you’re 100% responsible for what happens in your life” is both dangerously wrong and unhelpful. Jeff also speaks to his own experiences working with street involved youth and how they are some of the most grittiest individuals he will ever meet. 

In the second part of the show (16:30) Vince Fowler and Jeff have a wide ranging conversation about Vince's personal experiences with grit and how his personal and professional journey has led him to be a coach for entrepreneurs. Vince speaks about how his experience serving with the Canadian Military in Somalia was his MBA, his experiences as a competitive rugby player taught him about adversity and power, and how parenting continues to teach him about reflection.