My guest today, Simone Tai, is a TV producer turned meditation teacher. We bonded over the feeling of being overly stressed out in our jobs and having our bodies eventually scream out for some TLC.

Simone first turned to meditation to help with work related anxiety and pressure.

But it was a 7 year fertility journey and the overwhelming emotions that came with it that led her to dive fully into the practice, and as a result it completely turned her life around.

She ended up putting her TV career on hold to become a qualified Vinyasa Yoga Instructor and pursue training in Mindfulness, Self Compassion and Transcendental Meditation.

After seeing the immense benefits in overall wellbeing, happiness and relationships, Simone now loves to combine all her training and personal experience to help guide others going through similar life challenges to find inner strength and happiness.

As a woman, the truth is that you CAN ‘do it all’ but not all at the same time, and you have to respect the seasons of life.

Sometimes there are periods to hustle and work as hard as you can toward your goals, and other times you need to ‘let go’ … of careers, failed dreams, and even the good things you most want.

Because it is the beautiful act of letting go that can take you from burned out to mindfully grateful.

Tune in below to hear about how we both learned this lesson the hard way, and so many more insights!


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