Have you ever seen a problem in the world and took it into your own hands to help create the solution?

That’s exactly what my friend and guest today, Angela Sun, did when she heard about an island of trash floating in the Pacific Ocean.

As a world traveler, with a journalist’s passion for storytelling and love for the oceans, Angela created her first independent feature documentary, “PLASTIC PARADISE: THE GREAT PACIFIC GARBAGE PATCH.”

The film won 13 awards worldwide and has been in over 40 film festivals, with supporters including former VP Al Gore, Bette Midler, Jackson Browne and Forest Whitaker sharing about it on social media. It helped start a #plasticparadise social media movement of thousands worldwide taking the pledge to say no to single-use plastics. 

In this episode, we discuss how to take what you are passionate about to help create a global movement.

Angela also discusses the challenges being an Asian American woman in the sports broadcasting world, and how she had to work twice as hard for half the credit.

She began to break boundaries in the world of sports and media as the first Asian American female sportscaster to appear on ESPN, Yahoo! Sports, Tennis Channel, Fox Sports and NBC.

Of course her success has not been reached without setbacks, and Angela touches on how the death of her father when she was a teenager moved her to embrace travel and live life more fully.

Her love of travel and the environment has led her to visit over 65 countries, from conducting field research on the Great Barrier Reef focusing on reef sharks to surveying coral off the coast of Thailand.

Ready to be inspired? Then let’s dive in!


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