For today's podcast, I sat down with Personal Trainer and Fitness Instructor, Amy Kiser Schemper.

I remember being SO excited for her when she was on the cover of Women's Health Magazine a few years ago, as she landed a spot in the top 5 finalists for their Next Fitness Star Contest!

The surprising, behind-the-scenes story is that she almost didn't apply because she didn't feel ready. 

But a friend encouraged her and she submitted her application on the day of the deadline. (Side note: sometimes we need a little encouraging kick in the pants from our friends!)

She decided to go all in, despite not feeling ready ... and her efforts paid off.

Amy has since built a massive following (nearly half a million subscribers!) through BodyFit by Amy, an online fitness community and YouTube channel.

In addition to Women's Health Magazine, she has been featured on Good Morning America, Extra, and The Doctors.  

When you listen to your fears, you miss out on opportunities. 


This episode is sponsored by my 21-Day Summer Refresh - Learn how to battle overwhelm, spark joy through a social media detox, and build in rest & reward for success. Download it HERE.


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