Get ready to shift to a Multi-Dimensional Experience. On Power Your Life find out how to harness the transition to create your new reality!

Rebecca Dawson is an international channeller, speaker, and author whose focus over the last seven years has been on the research and understanding of the shifts occurring for Earth and Humanity. While studying to become an architect, she discovered her talents as a channel and  her life began to follow an unexpected path. As a result of her gifts, Rebecca’s developed an ability to acutely observe the human energy field. This led to an understanding of how changes in the human energy field impact our capacity, functionality and life experience. They reveal the synchronicity and pattern of change sweeping across the planet.

Rebecca brings forth this information through workshops and events globally. Her first book “The New Human Experience” addressed these initial observations. After 25 years of relaying this information individually and through workshops, corporate presentations and speaking opportunity, she believes there’s renewed urgency. Humanity is in the midst of making a massive consciousness shift that will have us living and experiencing life from that place of totality.

Her new book, “The Agreement”, was written to help us ease into highly elevated conscious awareness, and prepare us to undertake this shift. It’s a roadmap for embracing life from this new level of Cosmic Mind.