Char Murphy is an Attorney, International Best Selling Author, Top Author Coach of the Year 2022, Top Inspirational Author of the Year 2020, SABA 2020 Book Awards Author Winner for “Unshakeable Power - Through Seasons of the Soul.” She encourages, empowers, and enlightens others using examples from her difficult life experiences. Char put herself through law school as a single mom. After investing 15 years of dedication to her highly respected legal career, she was forced to retire due to the debilitating effects of four breast cancer diagnoses, painful surgeries, and exhausting treatments, while juggling her law firm responsibilities. She lost her career and successful law practice, but also her identity questioning who she was and her purpose. 


Growing up, Char endured parental abuse and abandonment, yet as a young adult, she provided primary support and home healthcare to her parents, who died from Alzheimer's. Her transformational message is of beating the odds and thriving through seemingly endless transitions, knowing everything happens for a greater purpose. She’s “grateful for everything and wouldn’t change a thing.” Although Ms. Murphy has received many accolades and awards on her journey back from darkness and despair - she considers her most meaningful and important accomplishments as being a preeminent supporter, mentor, and advocate for helping people, supporting them in re-imagining their dreams and living their greatest joy.