With restrictions lifted, many people are once again planning their dream trip. Yet, for many vegans, they run into the challenge of finding vegan friendly environments including healthy food choices and likeminded travelers.


Enter, Brighde Reed, cofounder of the high-end vegan tour company, World Vegan Travel.


World Vegan Travel is fast becoming a favorite for vegan travelers ready to have an exclusive experience in exotic lands around the globe without the worry of their food and lifestyle choices.




Brighde spent her formative years in the UK and Australia before her desire to travel took over. The next five years were spent leading group tours for an Australian company around Southeast Asia, France, and Morocco.

She met fellow tour guide Seb in Marrakech, fell madly in love and a couple of years later they discovered veganism together.  She became passionate about promoting the vegan message as an activist.

Widely traveled for both work and fun, one of her most important jobs at World Vegan Travel is ensuring the vegan food on our trips is second to none.  She also makes sure everyone has enough treats throughout the day and organizes the infamous trivia sessions during our final day’s parties. She also does all the marketing for the business.

Although vegan travelers finding places to lodge and dine were difficult in the past, such is not the case today. Brighde and Seth are committed to raising awareness about the upward trend of more and more travelers who do identify as vegan.

Add to this the level at which their clients enjoy travel, and many facilities are more than willing to get very creative in how they accommodate their groups.
