Ask most anyone to describe a stereotypical accountant and the words vegan and pink hair aren’t likely be the first that come to mind.

Yet, these two words only begin to describe CPA, Heather Zeitzwolfe. As a long-time vegan, Heather works with her clients, many of whom are also vegan, offering services that include cash flow management, financial forecasting, budgeting, and profit management.

Heather’s passion is helping companies to not only stay afloat during uncertain times, but thrive by implementing simple strategies to keep comings in the black.

Heather has noticed common errors many entrepreneurs make when it comes to running a business. One of the most common is that they let passion override the fact they need to make money and make a profit.

Heather is a firm believer in “do no harm” to animals and will go to any length to assure animals rights are protected.