How can people justify the pain and suffering animals are subjected to? Pain and suffering that is a direct result of insatiable appetites for unhealthy food choices… food choices that are not only selfish, but absolutely unnecessary.

Whether it be the hotdog on a stick at a county fair, meat on the end of a fork for breakfast, lunch and dinner, or the cheeseburger at a summer barbeque, animals needlessly suffer… and continue to do so with no end in sight.

One woman who knows, to her core, that enough is enough is long time vegan, Jane Velez-Mitchell.

Arguably one of the most visible vegan activists, Jane grew up in a relatively meat-free home.  Identifying early on as a vegetarian, she saw animals as other than her next meal.

Yet, it was 40 years ago, when PETA was getting started, that Jane had a life-changing epiphany.  She saw a video about animals who were used in testing. This opened her eyes to the horrors most people had no knowledge or understanding of.

It was then that she committed to do whatever possible to raise awareness about the atrocities sentient beings are subjected to.  

Although she didn’t consume meat, chicken, and seafood, it wasn’t until she discovered dairy was “liquid meat” that she become 100% vegan. That was 25 years ago.

A Strong Platform to Raise Awareness

With a stellar track record in media, her skill as an anchor, coupled with her passion and advocacy for animal rights, Jane is an unstoppable voice for the voiceless.

Visit to learn more about Jane Velez-Mitchell.