Rochelle Marie is a Podcast Rockstar. Sharing her experience as a member of the Podcast Rockstar Club ( , Rochelle shares how she got started only a few months ago booking shows, yet, she has quickly gotten a nice system in place that is getting her on very niched shows.

Organic marketing was a slow process and she wanted to see quicker results to build her influence. She realized that podcast interviews could help her achieve the outcome she desired; visibility and market reach. She views podcast interviews as a long-term strategy.

One of her greatest successes is her ability to build her Facebook group through podcast interviews.

Services Offered

Rochelle Marie coaches and consults with career moms who took time off from their corporate career and are ready to get back into their career. Often, they have lost self-confidence along the way. 

She helps her clients discover who they really are and what direction they want their career to move in.

Foundational Aspects

Develop a media page on your website One sheet Clarity in your message Complimentary resource which can convert visitors into subscribers Convert visitors into paying clients Honing your message with each show you are on

Recommendations for Finding Interview Opportunities

Search Apple Podcasts Join social media podcast groups Put time into the process – schedule the time for research Rochelle Marie shared a super hack tip she reveals at 28:15 minutes