Margaret Mary O’Connor is on a mission to raise awareness about the lies and deceit from the Catholic Church. As the author of Scandal in the Shadows, The Original Priest - Mary Mother, Margaret Mary knows there will be those who want to continue to keep the truth hidden.

Margaret Mary O'Connor has a Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry from Christ the King Seminary in East Aurora, New York and a Bachelor of Science from the University of Buffalo.

She is a former Chaplain, and currently a Eucharistic Minister. Margaret May literally walks the walk on picket lines to keep attention on Women's Ordination, Church accountability and on Priest Sexual Abuse Issues. As a fellow member of the Laity, she believes any Catholic deserves the truth rather than constant deception.

Margaret is a member of Call to Action, Future Church, Roman Catholic Women Priests, Water, Women's Ordination Conference, and SNAP (Survivors Network of those abused by Priests).

She is the recipient of the Special Award for Achievement from the Dale Carnegie Public Speaking Course.

Margaret Mary’s journey into the history of the church began decades ago when she realized a huge truth had been buried away from the general public.

During our conversation, Margaret Mary shares some of the experiences she had when a hospital Chaplin, run-ins with the law and FBI and why she is so driven to reveal the truth about how women are not treated as equals by the “powers that be” in the Church.

Margaret Mary recalls one run in.

“During the last St. Patrick’s Day, a former FBI agent who was hired by the Diocese of Buffalo tried to get the best of me. There were two policemen who were on either side of my shoulders.  corner of my eye there was two policemen that were on either side of my shoulders. There were policemen behind me as well as in front of me. It was really jarring.”

Our conversation revealed so much more than I anticipated. You will learn insights about the Catholic Church that have been buried away for hundreds of years.

“Most people have no idea of the history of the church and that women had positions of power.”

Margaret Mary shares the process she went through to write Scandal in the Shadows, including when she wanted to give up because she questioned her right to tell the story in such detail.

Discover what happened when Margaret Mary visited a psychic to dig deep into whether or not she should write the book.

Find out what her concerns are now that the book is published.

Knowing the story must be told keeps her moving forward. The book is the truth revealed and the lies exposed.

Her book is an extension of her life’s work. Margaret Mary is committed to taking her message near and far. She is available for speaking engagements, interviews and guest appearances about the book and subject matter.

About the book

Scandal in the Shadows focuses in on something unbelievably, incredible, which took place in the early History of the Catholic Church, the existence of Mary Priest, otherwise known as Mary Mother of God. Millions of Catholics are unaware of the past presence of Women Apostles, Women Bishops, Women Deacons, and Women Priests, in their Church's History. How could you know, when your own Catholic Church never disclosed the actual truth of this matter to you?

Explicitly absent from this book is any type of fabricated conjecture. Instead, its facts are backed up from Biblical research providing you the reader, with the actual truth, rather than the lies and deception you currently receive from your Church hierarchy.

To some, ancient controversial knowledge might at first seem Scandalous, but it is there where you will find the Historical Truth of the Women Priest Ordination Issue.

Scandal in the Shadows is written from the perspective of a lay Catholic Woman's realization that she was being lied to about her own Church's past History involving Women Priest's. As the complicity of this centuries old Scandal, continues on she wants her fellow Catholics to learn the actual truth of this matter for themselves. This hands-on-book is meant to be a travel guide tool, to enhance the readers own travel back into the early History of the Catholic Church.

You are afforded a journey into a discovery of fascinating proportion, you will be surprised by the thought provoking past History of your own Catholic Church, view your own Church, like you have never before done. Who knew, that the solutions to today's Catholic Church Issues, may very well be solved from utilizing our Church's past History.

Who is the book for?

Scandal in the Shadows is geared specifically for the Laity of the Catholic Church.

It asks the questions that our Church hierarchy's selective memory, will not answer for you. Their memory issue indeed, leaves all of us with more unanswered questions to deal with. What do we really know? And what has our Church conveniently not been telling us? Where can we find the truth today? Why exactly is it, that our hierarchy will not even acknowledge their own Church's past history? If ever there was a time, where Catholics needed Jesus' honesty, and transparency, now is that time. Why have the Church Fathers not been open and transparent with the Laity of their Church for centuries? So where is the truth to be found? It resides with in the skeletons found in the Church's own closets. With their appearance, History's truth will finally come out of the dark to be seen in the light of day.

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