Brent Basham is one of five experts who started based on a need to help both podcast hosts and experts find a simpler, more effective way to meet. Host of Digital Dads (no longer airing) and his new show, Heart First, which focuses on the right values for business, Brent is consider one of the most visionary networkers around. The interview allows viewers to gain perspective on how to make the process of finding shows that are a perfect fit for their expertise simple, easy and effective. What Hosts Want

Good content Right fit for the audience Many hosts don’t want to be pitched. They search out guest. However, when done right a pitch can work very nicely. You've really got to bring your A-game to the table when you pitch a host to be on the show.

Hosts might seek out guests by finding them on Amazon, TedX Talks, other shows and by being active on social media. To be good at podcasting, it takes more than just turning on your phone. You have to present yourself professionally. Pod Fading The average number of episodes a host airs is seven before they Pod Fade.

Pod Fading means they fade out of the scene. The challenge resides in the fact they have bought into the belief that it doesn’t take work to get a show off the ground. When they don’t get enough listeners, fast enough, many hosts quit. It can take dozens of shows before a show takes off. And you must consistently work on it.

The Long Game Plan It’s important to see hosting a show, and being a featured expert on shows, with a long-game view.

Here are a few key things you can do:

Write a quality book. Quality being the optimal word. A quality book shows discipline. Get out and be seen. Do lots of shows. Don’t worry about the size of the show. Make sure you pitch the right shows. Listen to snippets of the show. Customize your pitch. Make sure the host interviews guests because if they don’t, there’s no reason to ask to be on the show. Have a fine-tuned marketing piece… this is what offers experts; a platform to present your expertise. Poddit offers the platform for hosts and experts to meet. Determine if you want to be on a podcast simply to inform and educate or to get an ROI. If you use a P.R. person, make sure they know what they are doing. Be authentic. Most of all, create value for listeners.

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