Karolyn Vreeland Blume is an expert problem-solver and a gifted strategist. After a long career in law and mediation, Karolyn uses her keen insight as a consultant, served as an adjunct faculty member at Penn State University, and is a founding member of Mediators Beyond Borders International. She is listed in Who’s Who in American Law, and Who’s Who of American Women. A native New Yorker, Karolyn lives and works in the Washington, DC area, where she uses the tools in her new book on a daily basis.

If you’ve ever felt buried in an endless to-do list or are so busy you can’t even find your to-do list, you know overwhelm. It sucks the joy out of your days, keeps you stressed, worried and feeling behind. It may seem like a way of life.   Listen in to the conversation. Consider diving into Karolyn's book and leaving your comments below.