In this powerful episode of The Power to Pivot Podcast, we dive deep into the taboo topics of suicide, mental health, and overcoming grief. Elaine Lindsay, who lost a dear friend to suicide at the age of 16, shares her personal journey and practical insights. As the host of Suicide Zen Forgiveness Podcast, she brings hope and understanding to those who have faced similar struggles.

Elaine is on a mission to end the silence, stigma, and shame around suicide, suicidal ideation, and mental health.

On this episode:

Discover how we can work together to change the narrative around seeking help, transforming it into a sign of strength and a norm for everyone, regardless of age.
Recognize that, no matter how loud or persistent, our thoughts are not always reflections of reality.  
Remember that our feelings are the powerful drivers of our actions and experiences. Learning to acknowledge and process our emotions—letting them flow and then letting them go—is vital. 

Connect with Elaine Lindsay and Suicide Zen Forgiveness:




On The Power to Pivot Podcast, we chat with inspiring individuals who’ve made remarkable shifts in their lives. Whether it’s overcoming obstacles, pursuing passions, or finding purpose, their stories will ignite your own journey.

Each week, host Elizabeth A. Miles helps teach you how to dance with fear, step by step. Imagine the freedom when fear no longer holds you back!

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We’re a catalyst for change and empowerment, fostering connections, and inspiring purpose and progress. 
We heal and collaborate, together, for a better world.
We are driven to create an impactful platform where all voices are heard and valued, ideas flourish, and positive transformation takes root. 

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