Living in the Moment, Being Positive, Self Care, Social Media, Toastmasters and Powtoon with Wendy Capewell, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist and Counsellor at Copewell Therapies.

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Living in the Moment, Being Positive, Self Care, Social Media, Toastmasters and Powtoon with Wendy Capewell, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist and Counsellor at Copewell Therapies.

What We Recommended:
Tools & Apps

Asana – “I use that for my own tasks, but I also use it in conjunction with someone who helps me with my online marketing. He will set up the tasks, remind me what I need to do, and then I can put that, whatever I’ve done, into the app. It means that all my tasks are listed, and you can list them under different projects too.”
Scannable – “It’s an app that I have which means that I don’t have to collect business cards at network meetings. I can just scan it. It then goes into my contact details. If they’re on LinkedIn, you actually get the LinkedIn connection on your phone too.“
Periscope – live video recorded and broadcast on your Smartphone “The other thing I’ve just got, and I haven’t really used it, although we did use it at a workshop that I ran with a couple of others a month ago now.”
PowToon – “It’s an animation program, and you can use it free. I’ve got it as an introduction. I’ve made an introduction on my website. It’s fun to use. If you enjoy technology and using these little characters and so on, it’s great fun.”
Facebook – “Some people frown on Facebook, but I find that some of the groups there can be really good. I’m actually part of a therapist group. There’s lots of people exchanging information and offering advice. Those kinds of things I can pick up from there.“
Twitter – “I’ve started using Twitter more, and the one thing that I’ve started doing is I’ve got my own hashtag. It means that whenever you put a post on, say, Facebook, social media, Twitter, then if they click on that hashtag, it brings up all the articles and posts that are under that hashtag. My hashtag is #unstoppableconfidence”

Other Resources

Toastmasters – “I’ve also joined a Toastmasters group, which I’m going to … I’m doing my first talk this evening. I wanted to be able to present public speaking better, which I’m doing more of now, so I thought I’d join the Toastmasters. Whilst it can be quite formal and very, very structured, and I had to get my head around it a bit, but I also find it great fun.”
POWER to Live More Newsletter – “I always find your newsletters fascinating. I really enjoy. I look forward to reading them, so they’re great. I also pick up your tips, because you’ve usually got a little nugget in there somewhere in your newsletter. I search for it.”


Spotify – “I’ve recently discovered Spotify. I really love that, because you can just pick from an era or a particular artist or just choose the type of music, so that you want relaxing music or if you want dance music. It’s free.


Working three days a week – “Generally I found that I was trying to satisfy my clients’ needs rather than … and work around them, which made my life pretty disjointed. I wasn’t very focused then or very organised. I would find that I didn’t get things done particularly well. By having more focus and organising my week better, I find that I get more done, and I’m better organised too.”
Health Routines – “I do have breakfast every morning. I do do some exercise. I may go for a walk. Yes, I like to get myself prepared for the day. I guess not meditation, but those positive thoughts about how my day is going to be and looking forward to it. I like to start my day feeling positive, and generally I do, because I do love my life and I’m really passionate about what I do too, so that all helps.”
Painting and Drawing – “One of my hobbies is painting or drawing. I believed as a child, I was hopeless at art. About 7 years ago, I decided to join an art class and see if I could be taught how to paint and draw. I really, really love it. I find it’s a great way of unwinding.
Speaking Tip (from Jo) – Ian Hughes spoke at a conference and gave a lot of information about how to prepare for speaking and so on. He’s an actor, as well as a speaker, but one of the things he talked about was about, firstly, about when you get that adrenaline when you’re really nervous before you speak, to go and press against the wall as if you were trying to push the wall over, and do that 3 or 4 times.
Speaking Tip “The other thing that they say is really good is to do a power stance, a bit like Wonder Woman, so that you really pump yourself up and get yourself in that frame of mind that you’re positive”
Opening your Heart and Mind to New Things – “I love exploring, just going to different events and trying new things. Yeah, bring it on. It’s almost like everything is new, everything’s exciting, and I try not to say, “No, I can’t do it.” I say yes, and worry about it afterwards. I find that I’ve had so many opportunities that have come to me just by opening my heart and my mind to new things and trying them out.”
Mindful Eating – “I set aside a time to have lunch and try to eat it without doing things, because I think we get into that habit of multitasking, and then we don’t notice what we’re eating. That can lead to eating all the wrong foods as well.”
Sleep – “I love my sleep anyway, so I do go to bed at a reasonable time. I make sure that I get a good healthy sleep in as much as possible. I don’t function if I’m really tired, so it isn’t worth it.”
Learning – “I think from a learning perspective of my business, then I do attend workshops and read and so on to improve my knowledge, because I think that’s really important, to keep up to date so that I can provide the best possible service. Continued professional development is really important for me. I do belong to associations and have memberships, and they demand that too.”
Don’t Beat Yourself Up – “I’ve learnt not to beat myself up. I can get frustrated, but I also recognise that that doesn’t help. Sometimes it’s a case of, I just have to let it go and prioritise.
Self Care – “I’ve learned that, if I don’t feel up to it, then it’s probably better that I take the time out to look after myself, and then start again when I’m feeling fresher, because otherwise I just ruin the rest of the week. If I have a day when I’m just not feeling well, and I try and push myself through it, I know that I’m going to take longer to heal. I’ve learnt that lesson over the years. It’s been a hard one, because I know when I was working full-time as an employee, that I would push and push and push myself until I really wasn’t well. It just isn’t worth it.”
Be in the Moment – “that just being in the moment for me is really important, enjoying every moment, and staying in it, not worrying about what happened yesterday. I really found that living in the moment and enjoying it and just noticing what is around me, and even if it is a black cloud that I’m looking out at the sky when I’m talking to you, even that, the movement in the air, the trees swaying in the breeze, they’re things that sometimes we forget to do because we’re so busy rushing around.”

To Contact Wendy
The Relationship Therapist on Facebook

Tweet: “I find in my work that a lot of the problems that people suffer is based on lack of self-esteem and confidence.”

Tweet: “I love travel. It’s one of my real passions. I do have quite a lot of adventures. @capewelltherapy

Tweet: “I do enjoy my life and I make sure that I enjoy my life.” @capewelltherapies on the podcast


The post Wendy Capewell on Show #12: Living in the Moment, Being Positive, Self Care, Social Media, Toastmasters and Powtoon first appeared on POWER to Live More.

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