Amanda Holges has over three decades of experience as a serial entrepreneur, having grown her family business into a highly successful international company. She is a business mentor and mastermind facilitator who passionately helps entrepreneurs with business development and growth strategies to achieve success through her membership site, virtual mentoring programmes, and group mastermind programmes. She is […]

The post Show #87 with Amanda Holges: Making Time for Business Growth first appeared on POWER to Live More.

Amanda Holges has over three decades of experience as a serial entrepreneur, having grown her family business into a highly successful international company.

She is a business mentor and mastermind facilitator who passionately helps entrepreneurs with business development and growth strategies to achieve success through her membership site, virtual mentoring programmes, and group mastermind programmes.

She is the host of the Time for Business Growth Podcast, where she shares strategies and advice for busy entrepreneurs on everything from productivity and time management to managing their finances and building a successful business.

Amanda joins me today to share her story and journey as a business mentor, providing guidance and support to business owners. She shares some particularly useful insights on improving productivity, including her top app choices.

She also explains how she faces minor problems versus how she handles major situations and shares the value of using and tweaking ideas, as well as learning how to appreciate the simple things in life.

“It’s worth giving things a try and giving them a chance to work, and then say, ‘this bit works for me, this bit doesn’t.’ Then just mould it to what works for you.”

Amanda Holges

This Week on The Power to Live More Podcast:

Amanda’s journey to becoming a business mentor.Why she decided to change the way she prioritises things.How her template schedule for productivity works and how it has affected her working style.How she balances flexibility and structure in her schedule by keeping space and respecting immovable tasks.Why she is more productive in the morning.Amanda’s favourite techniques for productivity — and her top meditation app.Her recommendations for learning and improving.Why she considers it important to have ideas to try, tweak, improve, and even discard.The encouragement and “feel-good” factor — the buzz that gets you thinking that you can actually do and achieve things.How she dealt with the challenges of the last few months by shrugging off the small stuff.The “one key thing tomorrow” that she focuses on accomplishing after a day when nothing goes right.The importance of taking time to clear your mind and just face a problem the next day instead of trying to solve it right away.How she came to the realisation that she can only make memories with her loved ones when she’s actually there, present and with them — and how this influenced the way she balances work duties with family duties.How enjoying simple things can make a significant difference.


PaprikaEvernoteStop, Breathe, and ThinkRingGoThe Productive Woman Podcast

Connect with Amanda Holges:

Amanda Holges websiteFacebookTwitterInstagramLinkedIn

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Show notes provided (brilliantly, my words not theirs!) by Lidwell Writing Services, LLC

This Week’s App / Resource


If you are ever in London and looking for a taxi; look no further than this app.

When I worked in London I was always lamenting how I never seemed to be able to find a free black cab when I needed one. I used to play netball at Blackfriars, along from our office in Cannon Street and we were often late or out of breath from lots of running when we couldn’t find that elusive taxi!

With Gett it allows you to ‘summon’ a black cab and, once it’s set up, pay by card as part of the app. It has been so useful in the years that I’ve been using it. 

The best example of how useful it is was when I was speaking at an event at Birmingham University with the man who headed up the London 2012 Gamesmakers and I impressed him by finding us a black cab when it was chucking it down with rain and no cabs were visible anywhere. As we were trying to think of our strategy I realised that gett works in Birmingam too so we then easily got a cab!

Use this code for £3 off your first ride!

Receipt Bank

I’ve just been sorting out my expenses for last month and was reminded how useful this app is. Receipt Bank is a tool that allows you to scan receipts on your phone or email invoices into it and it then converts them into accounting records and sends them to one of a number of accounts systems (I use Kashflow).

It’s really helped me to get on top of my accounts and expenses and stops me having a pile of random bits of paper my desk that get in the way, get me down…and get me behind on my accounts!

I scan receipts at the point of purchase and throw the receipt away. If I’m really organised and charging the expense back to a client I can add them into a field to allow me to run reports based on the client’s name, which makes invoicing so much quicker.

You can check it out here.

The post Show #87 with Amanda Holges: Making Time for Business Growth first appeared on POWER to Live More.

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