Sam Redman is an Executive Coach and Change Consultant at Sam Redman Consulting for those committed to being successful in senior executive roles, where she focuses on organizational culture change initiatives and bespoke development solutions for senior leaders.

The post Sam Redman on Show #148: Focusing on Development and Change first appeared on POWER to Live More.

Sam Redman is an Executive Coach and Change Consultant at Sam Redman Consulting for those committed to being successful in senior executive roles, where she focuses on organisational culture change initiatives and bespoke development solutions for senior leaders.

After ten years at Pret a Manger leading the global agenda on Culture, Leadership, and Talent, Sam decided to start her own business to feed her passion for helping individuals achieve their true potential and explore their authentic career and personal aspirations.

Sam is also a Group Director at the prestigious, industry-leading OSS Retail, where she is leading the conversation on transformational leadership in the retail industry.

Sam joins me today to discuss her three-pillar growth mindset for senior leaders and why she trained as an Insight Discovery Practitioner and NLP Practitioner to support her coaching methods as a Change Consultant.

She discusses why she made the transition from a prestigious senior role at Pret a Manger to working to unlock the potential in senior leaders through one-to-one coaching and workshops and the advantages she has found in her new professional life as an entrepreneur.

Sam also shares her insights on the true value of pro bono work and how she structures her working day to be able to find time to support the charities that she works with alongside her corporate and one-to-one clients.

“Ask yourself which direction you’re facing and if it’s the direction you want to be facing in.”

Sam Redman

This Week on The Power to Live More Podcast:

Why a bereavement was the catalyst to Sam going back to collegeWhy she decided to take the leap into entrepreneurshipWhat her five-month trial period was forThe importance of nurturing relationships with your professional networkHow she prepared for her recent conference keynote speechHow and why she pushed herself out of her comfort zoneWhy it’s critical to be intentional with your timeThe value of self-reflection and setting goalsHer three pillars of change and how they help create conversations with her clientsHow to remain authentic and keep in mind what’s important to your businessThe tools Sam uses to keep her day organisedThe two mantras that keep Sam focused on her purpose

Resources Mentioned:

Outlook calendarPomodoro Tracker

Connect with Sam Redman:

Sam Redman websiteEmail: [email protected]LinkedIn

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Show notes provided (brilliantly, my words not theirs!) by Lidwell Writing Services, LLC

The post Sam Redman on Show #148: Focusing on Development and Change first appeared on POWER to Live More.

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