Joanna Kleinman is a psychotherapist, Motivational Speaker, Best-selling Author, and Podcast Host.

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Joanna Kleinman has been working as a psychotherapist for more than 25 years. She is a Motivational Speaker, Best-selling Author, and Podcast Host.

Following motivational speaking appearances, Joanna’s client base became widespread. It naturally led her to shift her practice online and offer virtual treatment to people all over the world.

Through her practice, one-on-one coaching and group programmes, Joanne helps people rewire the intuitive ways they think and act. Her best-selling book Dethroning Your Inner Critic: The Four-Step Journey from Self-Doubt to Self-Empowerment and the Dethroning Your Inner Critic Podcast help countless people reinvent their experience and build the life of their dreams.

Today, Joanna shares her practice journey from in-person sessions to online treatment and how her ability to build a connection with her clients works in any session.

She reveals the inspiration that motivated her to become a psychotherapist and how she created the Dethroning Your Inner Critic Programme. She shares how you can deal with your inner critic and why so many people hold themselves back in life.

She highlights the importance of learning to live with discomfort and how you can use it as a catalyst for building your dream life. She shares how you can learn to cope with criticism and why our inner voice is helpful to our lives.

She also shares how the inner critic is a constant presence, why that’s OK, and why investing in others will help you build the life of your dreams.

“The most powerful life you can live is when you know the difference between you and the voice of your inner critic.”

Joanna Kleinman 

This week on The Power to Live More Podcast:

How Joanna’s practice naturally transitioned to online treatmentWhy the ability to connect with people works in person and onlineThe inspiration behind Joanna’s decision to become a psychotherapistHow Joanna created the Dethroning Your Inner Critic programmeHow the programme uses the M.I.N.D method and a breakdown of this methodWhat we can do to stop our inner critic from holding us back and combat imposter syndromeWhy so many people hold themselves back from living the life of their dreamsHow you can train yourself to sit in your discomfortWhy taking action in the face of discomfort will lead you to the outcome you wantHow you can deal with criticism from others and override the primal need for other people’s approvalWhy we have the inner voice, and how it helps usHow Joanna works with her clients and what her working day looks likeHow Joanna organises herself to make sure everything gets doneWhy the inner critic will always be there, and that’s OKWhy investing in other people will help you design your dream lifeWhat Joanna does to make it easier to deal with tough daysWhat brings joy to Joanna and allows her to live more

Connect with Joanna Kleinman:

Dethroning Your Inner Critic WebsiteDethroning Your Inner Critic on InstagramDethroning Your Inner Critic on FacebookDethroning Your Inner Critic on TwitterJoanna Klienman on LinkedIn

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Show notes provided (brilliantly, my words not theirs!) by Lidwell Writing Services, LLC

The post Joanna Kleinman on Show #197 : Dethroning Your Inner Critic appeared first on POWER to Live More.

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