To commemorate the momentous occasion of the 200th episode, we switch things up, and I become the guest on my own podcast.

The post Jo Dodds on Show #200 : The Inspiration Behind Power to Live More appeared first on POWER to Live More.

To commemorate the momentous occasion of the 200th episode of the Power To Live More Podcast, we switch things up, and I become the guest on my own podcast.

My daughter Ellie, my usual co-host, joins me to host the interview so that you can hear all about my business and my journey.

The Power To Live More business helps home-based business owners and coaches get unstuck, get stuff done, and live more. I work from our home in Hythe, near Folkstone, with a view of the English Channel and help people get more organised and focused, particularly around digital.

With my Power To Live More Calm membership programme, you can focus on the things that matter and connect to a supportive network of home-based business owners.

Today, I share my business journey and why I do what I do to help other home-based business owners. I recall the many times Little Doddsy accompanied me to Chamber of Commerce and networking events during her young life and the events behind the inspiration for Power to Live More.

I share my tools and routines for integrating and prioritising my work and home life and highlight my favourite business and leisure apps.

I reveal how I manage my time during a typical working day and provide tips on delegating and outsourcing.

I share how I keep myself physically and mentally healthy and what I do to keep learning and improving. I also reveal what Power to Live More means to me, as a business and an ethos, and how I use the systems in my own life.

“You can’t try and build something for the future without enjoying the now.”

Jo Dodds

This week on The Power to Live More Podcast:

Why I do what I do and how it all started
A Chamber of Commerce breakfast with Michael Howard
The inspiration behind Power To Live More
How I prioritise my work and life
My favourite work-related and non-work-related apps
How I manage my time and what a typical day looks like for me
Tips for delegating and outsourcing
How I stay healthy, both physically and mentally
What I do to keep learning and improving myself
How I handle days when things go wrong
What the days look like when I am doing more of the things I want to do
What Power To Live More means to me
How I use ‘POWER’ (Productivity, Organisation, Wellbeing, Energy & Resilience) in my life

Resources Mentioned:

Engage For Success
Paprika App
Tomplay App
Google Calendar
PTLM Episode 128 with Dan Murray

Join the POWER to Live More CALM Membership

Attention home-based coaches and consultants!

Are you tired of feeling alone, isolated, and frustrated with running your home-based coaching or consulting business? Are you sick of feeling like your life would be better, and you’d be happier if you felt more organised and productive? Do you feel like there’s simply not enough time in a day to get all the things done that you need to do to build a successful business while making time to live more?

It’s time to stop the isolation and start getting more organised, productive, and focused on the tasks that will move the needle forward.

It’s time to join the POWER to Live More CALM membership!

If you’re ready to:

Stop recreating the wheel and focus on the things that truly matter in your life and business
Learn what you need to know to be successful and ‘live more’
Get accountability help from a group of like-minded home-based business owners

Then you need to join the POWER to Live More CALM membership programme!

To learn more about the POWER to Live More CALM membership programme and apply, visit

Connect, Share, Inspire

Thank you for joining me for this week’s episode of the POWER to Live More Podcast! If you enjoyed this episode and would like to help support the show, please head over to Apple Podcasts or Stitcher, subscribe to the show and leave your honest review! You can also help me reach even more amazing business owners and leaders by sharing your favorite episodes on your social media channels.

Don’t forget to check out my website join my Facebook Group, follow me on Twitter and connect with me on LinkedIn, YouTube, and Instagram to interact with me and my amazing audience!

Show notes provided (brilliantly, my words not theirs!) by Lidwell Writing Services, LLC

The post Jo Dodds on Show #200 : The Inspiration Behind Power to Live More appeared first on POWER to Live More.

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