Grace Marshall is a Productivity Ninja with Think Productive and the Head Coach and Chief Encourager in her own coaching practice.

The post Grace Marshall: The Surprising Beauty and Opportunity in Struggle first appeared on POWER to Live More.

Grace Marshall is a Productivity Ninja with Think Productive and the Head Coach and Chief Encourager in her own coaching practice.

Featured in Forbes, The Guardian, and HuffPost, her work with Think Productive’s global productivity company has helped thousands of people overcome stress and frustration to lead more successful and satisfying lives.

Grace is an award-winning author and her latest book, Struggle, helps people find the truth and beauty in life’s most challenging moments. 

Today, Grace shares her journey into becoming a productivity coach and transitioning from a time-management mindset to an energy management one.

She reveals the inspiration behind her new book and the different struggles we face in our lives.

She shares why struggling can open our eyes to new opportunities and see the lessons in challenging times.

She also shares how struggling can be a catalyst for positive life changes and some productivity tools to help you stay organised.

“There’s something very interesting about struggle in that sometimes the wrong turn is right where the magic is.”

Grace Marshall

This week on The Power to Live More Podcast:

How Grace became a productivity coach

The evolution of time management to energy management

How Grace manages her day to make sure everything gets done

The writing process Grace uses

The inspiration behind Grace’s new book about struggle

The different types of struggle 

How our brain reacts to social and physical threats

Why struggling can be a path to opportunity

How to look for the lesson in mistakes

Why life’s tough moments can prompt positive change

Top productivity tools and advice on staying organised 

Grace’s process for dealing with days when things go wrong

What Grace’s ‘day of living more’ entails 

Resources Mentioned:

Book: The Art of Asking by Amanda Palmer



Connect with Grace Marshall:

Grace Marshall’s Website

Think Productive

Book: Struggle: the surprising truth, beauty, and opportunity hidden behind life’s sh*ttier moments

Book: 21 Ways to Manage the Stuff that Sucks Up Your Time

Book: How to be REALLY Productive

Grace Marshall on LinkedIn

Grace Marshall on Instagram

Grace Marshall on Facebook

Grace Marshall on Twitter

Join the POWER to Live More CALM Membership

Attention home-based coaches and consultants!

Are you tired of feeling alone, isolated, and frustrated with running your home-based coaching or consulting business? Are you sick of feeling like your life would be better, and you’d be happier if you felt more organised and productive? Do you feel like there’s simply not enough time in a day to get all the things done that you need to do to build a successful business while making time to live more?

It’s time to stop the isolation and start getting more organised, productive, and focused on the tasks that will move the needle forward.

It’s time to join the POWER to Live More CALM membership!

If you’re ready to:

Stop recreating the wheel and focus on the things that truly matter in your life and business

Learn what you need to know to be successful and ‘live more’

Get accountability help from a group of like-minded home-based business owners

Then you need to join the POWER to Live More CALM membership programme!

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Show notes provided (brilliantly, my words not theirs!) by Lidwell Writing Services, LLC

The post Grace Marshall: The Surprising Beauty and Opportunity in Struggle first appeared on POWER to Live More.

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