Cooking, Walking, Zombies and Morris Dancing with Cathy Brown, Exec Director of Engage for Success.

The post Cathy Brown: Cooking, Walking, Zombies and Morris Dancing first appeared on POWER to Live More.

Cooking, Walking, Zombies and Morris Dancing with Cathy Brown, former Exec Director of Engage for Success

Listen to the Show Below and Here’s What We Recommended:

Fitbit – for exercise encouragement and an element of, maybe not competition, but interest at least in others to keep it going
Couch to 5K – to get you running in a gradual, incremental way (and don’t forget the zombies!)


Google Calendar – for managing a complicated household and work schedule
Todoist – for managing task lists and keeping up with everything you’ve got to do
Gallup’s StrengthsFinder – for identifying your strengths to enable you to do more of what you’re good at
Meditation with John Kabat-Zinn – for meditation and mindfulness


Better than Before – Mastering the Habits of our Every Day Live‘ – Gretchen Rubin
The Happiness Project‘ – Gretchen Rubin
The Road to Character‘ – David Brooks

Routines and Rituals

Cooking to relax
Walking with her partner to relax and debrief on the day as well as to get some exercise outdoors
Listening to podcasts
Reading to learn, explore and satisfy curiosity
Listening to live music and perhaps playing and dancing too!
Not being late

Extra Stuff

3 Rs of routines, rules and rituals – and not forgetting Cathy’s extra R of being a Rebel!
Cathy and her partner seeing their complicated family eating arrangements of two vegetarians, one gluten free and one who doesn’t eat any vegetables whatsoever, as an opportunity rather than an obstruction

Tweet: “I absolutely loved the premise of it, which was a running app that was around a Zombie Apocalypse” @cathyab

Tweet: There are the three Rs: routines, rules and rituals. Then there’s another R, which is me

Tweet: Google Calendar is absolutely my saving thing. The discipline there is making sure you put everything in


The post Cathy Brown: Cooking, Walking, Zombies and Morris Dancing first appeared on POWER to Live More.