Brian Jones is the Founder and CEO of VA Platinum, a team of experts in outsourcing and offshoring for business owners.

The post Brian Jones on Show #195: Recognising Your Own Business Opportunity first appeared on POWER to Live More.

Brian Jones is the Founder and CEO of VA Platinum, a team of experts in outsourcing and offshoring for business owners.

When Brian found the 70-hour work week he was doing just wasn’t working for his work/life balance, he decided to use virtual team members to lighten the load.

After drastically reducing his work hours and giving himself more time for the things he loves, he wanted to do the same for others. He founded VA Platinum to help other business owners take back their time by utilising his superstar team of staff based in the Philippines.

Today, Brian shares the story of what inspired him to transform his work-life with virtual assistants and the lessons he learned when starting out.

He shares the resources he uses to help clients build a virtual team and how business gurus, inspirational leaders, and mentors have helped him along the way.

He reveals his average working day and how he stays organised to make sure everything gets done. Brian shares tips and tools that can help you work with a virtual team and help clients overcome the fears of outsourcing.

He also shares why he uses a Mindset Mentor, what he does to help him deal with days when things go wrong, and what makes him feel like he is living more.

“I had to learn a lot about developing structures, systems, templates, ways to check-in with teams.”

Brian Jones

This week on The Power to Live More Podcast:

The journey that led Brian to start his home-based businessThe inspiration that helped Brian make the transformation from office to remote workingSome of the lessons Brian learned while setting up his virtual teamHow Brian’s business has evolved over the yearsHow Brian helps his clients set up their virtual teamHow following the teachings of other successful entrepreneurs has helped Brian build his businessWhat an average work day looks like for BrianHow Brian stays organised during his work dayHow the COVID pandemic has changed Brian’s daily life and businessTips for outsourcing elements of your businessHow Brian helps clients overcome fears of hiring a virtual assistantWhat Brian does to keep learning and the resources he usesWhy Brian chose to use a Mindset CoachHow Brian copes with days when things don’t go according to planWhat a day of ‘doing more of the things you love’ looks like for Brian

Resources Mentioned:

The 4-hour Workweek By Tim Ferriss
The E-Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber
The Lean Startup by Eric Ries
● Loom
● Skype
● Time Doctor

Connect with Brian Jones:

VA Platinum Website
VA Platinum on LinkedIn
VA Platinum on Facebook
VA Platinum on Twitter
Brian Jones on LinkedIn

Join the POWER to Live More CALM Membership

Attention home-based coaches and consultants!

Are you tired of feeling alone, isolated, and frustrated with running your home-based coaching or consulting business? Are you sick of feeling like your life would be better, and you’d be happier if you felt more organized and productive? Do you feel like there’s simply not enough time in a day to get all the things done that you need to do to build a successful business while making time to live more?

It’s time to stop the isolation and start getting more organized, productive, and focused on the tasks that will move the needle forward.

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● Stop recreating the wheel and focus on the things that truly matter in your life and business
● Learn what you need to know to be successful and ‘live more’
● Get accountability help from a group of like-minded home-based business owners

Then you need to join the POWER to Live More CALM membership program!

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Thank you for joining me for this week’s episode of the POWER to Live More Podcast! If you enjoyed this episode and would like to help support the show, please head over to Apple Podcasts or Stitcher, subscribe to the show and leave your honest review! You can also help me reach even more amazing business owners and leaders by sharing your favorite episodes on your social media channels.

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Show notes provided (brilliantly, my words not theirs!) by Lidwell Writing Services, LLC

The post Brian Jones on Show #195: Recognising Your Own Business Opportunity first appeared on POWER to Live More.

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