Angela joins me today to share how she realised that the smallest things are the ones that make the most significant impact on her personal and professional life.

The post Angela Durrant: Less Is More first appeared on POWER to Live More.

Angela Durrant is a vocal and performance coach and the founder of Making Singing Easy.

She is an author and a mentor who works with clients in-person and online and is currently working on singing and speaking retreats while making time to pause and appreciate life in the moment.

Angela joins me today to share how she realised that the smallest things are the ones that make the most significant impact on her personal and professional life. She explains how the trials they experienced as a family changed the way she looks at success, business, and self-care. She also shares why you should invest in others and yourself as well as the factors that contribute to the biggest breakthroughs.

 “When you’ve got a desire and a love for something – it doesn’t really die down.” – Angela Durrant

This Week on the POWER to Live More Podcast:

The turning point that made her focus on music
The parallels between music and life
The journey that led her to prioritise her family first
Present-focused versus “Future mode”
How she found a way to tick things off her list
The difference between a task and a project
When is the right time to hire a virtual assistant
Why she invested in her own learning, training, and development even from the beginning
How her perspective on self-care changed from self-indulgent to a necessity
How the phrase: “There’s something I’m not seeing here” helps her change the way she evaluates her circumstances

Resources Mentioned:

Today List
Paper List
Online List
Notes App
Google Drive
Get Things Done Book by David Allen
A Little Peace of Mind Podcast by Nicola Bird
Michael Neill Books
Space Within Book by Michael Neill
The Inside Out Revolution Book by Michael Neill
Creating the Impossible Book by Michael Neill
Virtual Assistant
Group buddies

Connect with Angela Durrant:

Angela Durrant Website

Connect, Share, Inspire

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Show notes provided (brilliantly, my words not theirs!) by Lidwell Writing Service

The post Angela Durrant: Less Is More first appeared on POWER to Live More.

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