Andro explains how she rediscovers her natural rhythm and routine while travelling for her business, how she 'grounds' and prepares herself each day, her daily rituals that help her achieve her ideal outcomes, and why she chooses to work toward her 'ideal outcomes' instead of to-do lists. She also shares her insight on how you can identify your purpose and why you need to revisit and update your purpose throughout the course of your life and career. Read More

The post Andro Donovan: Identifying Your Ideal Outcomes first appeared on POWER to Live More.

Andro Donovan is an author and leadership coach with over 20 years of experience in the field. She is dedicated to helping chief executives, entrepreneurs, and business owners improve their leadership skills through her unique “whole-life” coaching techniques.

She focuses primarily on facilitating retreats, worldwide, for her clients – helping them build the life they want through value-based life planning and finding a balance between their work life and home life.

On today’s episode, Andro explains how she rediscovers her natural rhythm and routine while travelling for her business, how she ‘grounds’ and prepares herself each day, her daily rituals that help her achieve her ideal outcomes, and why she chooses to work toward her ‘ideal outcomes’ instead of to-do lists. She also shares her insight on how you can identify your purpose and why you need to revisit and update your purpose throughout the course of your life and career.

This Week on the POWER to Live More Podcast:

Coping with daily routine changes
Daily routines while at work and on the road
Why writing down your ideal outcomes each day is important and how it helps identify your purpose
The difference between vital tasks and urgent tasks, why it’s important, and how it helps you manage your time and structure your daily goals, outcomes, and activities
How life-planning helps link your daily activities to your purpose
Turning your life-planning goals into actionable outcomes
The importance of having an “envisioned process” to achieving your goals
The difference between a to-do list and an ideal outcome list
The importance of participating in peer groups with similar goals
Overcoming barriers and challenges

5 Key Questions to Identify Your Purpose:

What do I do? What is my one-line “elevator speech?”
What do I love to do?
What am I supremely qualified to teach people?
Who do I want to do it for?
What do people want from me and how do they change or transform as a result of receiving my contribution?

Mentioned Resources:

5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts book by Gary Chapman

Connect with Andro Donovan:
Grab your copy of her book! Motivate Yourself: Get the Life You Want, Find Purpose, and Achieve Fulfillment

Connect, Share, Inspire

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Show notes provided brilliantly (my words not theirs!) by Lidwell Writing Services, LLC

The post Andro Donovan: Identifying Your Ideal Outcomes first appeared on POWER to Live More.