We all know the drill...

You wake up with AWESOME intentions to get out there and have an awesome workout. Because you want to be healthy.  And you want to feel great for your family.

And then something happens. Or a LOT of somethings. And pretty soon you don't have time for a shower. Or a workout. And you grab a handful of fishy crackers and think, "Okay, we'll try again tomorrow."

Deep inside, we know there's got to be a better option. And Robin Long, from The Balanced Life, is going to show us just how to make that better option happen!

Enjoy the podcast, and be sure to check out our new sponsor, RXBAR/RXBAR Kids! Have you heard of them before? (We've got some fun glowing testimonials for them inside the podcast!) Thanks so much for being with us!

For full show notes, please visit powerofmoms.com/221