Today’s guest is the founder of Kayo Beauty and fitness and lifestyle expert, Christine Bullock. Christine is a trusted voice in the wellness industry, been featured in almost every fitness and health publication, and after two decades training celebrities to athletes, she knows what works to feel and look your best. 

Christine is not only the creator of numerous award winning fitness programs but also an award winning skincare brand called Kayo Body Care plus her newest line Kayo Hemp. 

But above all, Christine is a mom of 2 little girls - one adopted and one biological (who was born in 2020). After battling years of undiagnosed PCOS, hypothyroidism and years of infertility - including 5 years of fertility treatments, multiple rounds of IVF, acupuncture and many miscarriages, Christine adopted a baby girl. 

In this episode she shares her unexpected motherhood journey, prenatal, postnatal and general health and wellness tips that led her to being energetic and feeling great today and how she runs multiple businesses while managing 2 little ones.

Follow Christine at

Website: & IG: @ChristineBullock & @kayobodycare


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For show notes, visit

Stephanie's Website IG: @MommysonaCall & @StephanieUchima