For some groups of married entrepreneurs, working with your spouse is the greatest thing since sliced bread. For others, it’s a disaster. The third group is getting by and the last group doesn’t even want to go there. Regardless of which camp you sit in, this episode is dedicated to you. The married entrepreneur who works with your spouse or is wondering whether it’s a good idea or not.

Working with your spouse has its challenges for sure. But if you avoid these 5 common pitfalls, you will be on the path to building a thriving business in tandem while strengthening your marriage at the same time. 

Take a listen. 

Want to live a better balanced life and win in marriage AND business at the same time? Purchase our book Tandem: The married entrepreneurs’ guide for greater work-life balance.

Need to create more time to dedicate to your marriage? Download this free guide.

Need some insight into how to balance it all? Schedule a free discovery call.

Want to learn how to deal with conflict in a healthier way? Listen to episode 142

Top mistakes married entrepreneurs make

Just fill a seat

Not listening to your spouse’s feelings

Lack of boundaries

Taking it personal

No regular meetings