One of the reasons for the lack of work-life balance is working a lot of hours and taking on too many responsibilities. Whether it’s business or personal related, we tend to say yes to more things than we realize which steals time away from your spouse and kids.

So how do we keep from taking on too much so we can maintain a healthy relationship with our family? Our spouses can keep us accountable but it can also create conflict. Because the truth can hurt. In this episode, we’ll discuss ways we can hold each other accountable from not working too hard or taking on too much in a way that will be received well. 

Key Takeaways:

Stats on working too much

Health issues- Stress - Working 40 hrs/week + yields no additional benefit but increases heart attack risk 35%

Relationship issues- Less time w/spouse will affect your relationship

Put your ego down and listen to your spouse

Come up with a code word that doesn’t trigger the other spouse

Listen to your kids

Have an accountability buddy…or two

Rationalizing it doesn’t make it true

Just because you don’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not happening

Patience and vetting out all opportunities can uncover hidden land mines