You know the moments when you're buzzing with excitement over the new direction you've decided to go? You get this insight from your higher self that illuminates an abundance of clarity around what's next for you and it feels exciting--it feels BIG!! All you want is to share it with the world so you start sharing with your friends and family. BUT...You don't get the kind of reaction you were hoping for.


Quite the opposite, actually. Instead you get their fears projected onto you, unsolicited feedback and maybe even weird looks and criticism from your friends. UGH. Punch to the gut. In one moment that buzzing feeling is completely deflated and we find ourselves questioning EVERYTHING.


My love, I know this so well. I also know the importance of a conversation like this and the reminder to only share our visions with the people who know how to hold it--and hold us. If you've ever felt this way on your journey this episode is going to be the big hug and the call forward to let go of what other people have to say, reclaim your power around your vision and step back in the game.