This episode... WOOOO I hope you're ready for this one. I created it in some ways for a past and very lost version of myself who could've used some of the guidance inside. But most of all--I created it for YOU. This conversation is more of an activation and a calling forward to the deeper parts of you than anything else.


Let these words sink in. Trust that you're hearing it at this moment for a very specific reason and for a bigger purpose. You and everything you have been through in this life holds so much magic, so much power. It holds everything you need to get you from where you're at now to where you deeply desire to go. Today I want to shine a light on that truth. 


This episode is for those of you who know you’ve been trying to fit into a box that was never yours. For those of you who are done wondering WHAT IF there was more and who are ready to step in and claim a new truth, a new version of you and new world for yourself. I love you!

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