One of the biggest fears and wounds we have as women is being talked about, criticized and judged for the things we do. These wounds often get triggered when we decide to walk a different path--one that is aligned with our soul, one where we become a different version of who've we've always been and really step out of the shadows and do the thing we've always wanted to do. What will they think? What will they say? Will they accept me? These things can come up and stop us in our tracks. We begin to doubt and question everything. Today I want to have a very honest and very real convo with you about how to navigate this. I'm going to call you forward into a power that maybe right now you don't know you have access to. I don't want you to put your dreams on the back burner or question your path out of fear of what people might say... AND I don't want you to do anythign possible to avoid this from happening. Instead, I want to show you that you can hold it all--that you can move in the direction of your vision, have people that don't agree with you AND still hold your head high as you forge your own path forward.