Today we’re settling into a very important question: Is your business truly set up to receive the results you want and the impact you desire to create? I’m breaking down some of the blocks (both conscious and unconscious) I see amongst my clients who want to go from, “I’m just showing up creating content, hoping this whole online biz things works out,” to someone who knows exactly where she’s going, what’s she’s a stand for and how she’s going to get there. We’re also looking at some tangible things to tweak, tend to and get clear on so that you can not just be inspired today but can also start taking steps towards building a business with staying power.

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Today we’re settling into a very important question: Is your business truly set up to receive the results you want and the impact you desire to create? I’m breaking down some of the blocks (both conscious and unconscious) I see amongst my clients who want to go from, “I’m just showing up creating content, hoping this whole online biz things works out,” to someone who knows exactly where she’s going, what’s she’s a stand for and how she’s going to get there. We’re also looking at some tangible things to tweak, tend to and get clear on so that you can not just be inspired today but can also start taking steps towards building a business with staying power.

>> Click here to join Aligned Sales Click here to join us insdie of luminaries