In today’s episode we’re walking right up to THE THING we’re most afraid of on a path towards greater alignment, fulfillment, and success…failure and disappointment. Because our fear of these things often keep us from living our life full out. Avoidance of discomfort and pain keeps us from stretching ourselves into our fullest potential and really going for it especially inside of our work/businesses.


What if you weren’t afraid of “failure?”

What if you stopped avoiding the disappointment and discomfort and allowed yourself to step all the way in and see the true potential that you hold?

What if experiencing and feeling all of these things was the exact process you were meant to go through to move you into your next level?


And what if you had a rock solid process in place for the next time you brushed up against disappointment that allowed you to come out on the other side being better, feeling better, and holding the wisdom that would carry you beyond anything you thought was possible?


Let’s talk about it.


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