If the term “niche down” makes you want to contract and never get on social media again 😜 you’ve found your episode, babe! I could never get behind these common coaching “should’s.” Ideal client, niche, avatar…no, no, NO. Idk about you but I’ve always felt like my work didn’t belong in a box or a perfectly crafted “I help” statement. 


I crave depth, human connection and SOUL. But here’s the thing, my act of rebellion (and ultimate procrastination) around getting more focused and clear around who I’m here to help, the kinds of women I desire to work with and how I’m meant to serve did NOT serve my business at all! Nor does it serve the women who come into work with me who want to grow their business, deepen their impact, work with incredible clients and make more money who also resist the idea that maaaaaybe they need to dial in on their messaging.


For women like us, we just gotta be led to that clarity and precision in a different way. The stale, bro marketing and super masculine way of doing business doesn’t work for us—and that is a-OK! In today’s conversation I’m walking you through how to gain clarity on exactly who you’re meant to help, who you desire to BE online, what you want to be a stand for and how you’re meant to lead your people. But we’re IN to fin these answers and are putting a fresh spin on the word “niche.” I promise after this episode you will never look at this word the same again! Let’s get to WERK!!


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